Exhibitions and Events

Sunday concert

First and third Sunday of the month: Cembalo performance
Second and fourth Sunday of the month: Pipe organ performance
<Start> at 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Admission: 300 yen

Thursday concert

Generally, the third Thursday of every month.
<Start> at 2 p.m.
Admission: 500 yen.

There is a pipe organ on the stage of Sogakudo. In 1920, Lord Yorisada purchased the organ from England and donated it to Tokyo Music School in 1928. The organ was manufactured by Abbott & Smith of Leeds and operates with a pneumatic action and mechanism using 1,379 pipes, a rare organ throughout the world. It is the oldest concert organ in Japan, and it continues to create soft, mellow tones for its audiences.

Cembalo, one of Sogakudo's collections
Pipe organ